About the name of the blog

Do we need forks? is a name that reflects my philosophy about technology - the first question we should ask is "Do I NEED this?" Will it make my life and meaningful occupations easier, or better in some way?
As a student (first time around), I remember reading a scene from a play set in the 1600s, where French nobles were wondering what to do with a fork. The social context meant that forks were unnecessary. In that time, people would
bring a knife, use a spoon for liquids, and hands for everything else. In a different social context where people are concerned about hygiene, a fork seems relevant. Or you could just wash your hands really well before each meal.
This philosophy about technology relates well to frameworks of occupational therapy. We look at the person - do they really need this technology? - the occupation - how meaningful is this occupation and do they need technology to make it easier to participate in? - and the environment, which includes social factors - is this technology going to fit with their environment?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What is baking like for me?

Baking is usually relaxing, but can be stressful, especially if I have given myself a timeframe.  Recently I left too little time to bake a cake for my flatmate's birthday and was running around at the last minute trying to get it iced before he came home.

There is a bit of trial and error involved, like when you don't have a certain ingredient and try a replacement.  The sense of pride when it all works out is awesome!

I like giving my baking away:  to my friends, my flatmate, my boyfriend.  My mum and Nana used to always have baking in the tins, so I associate it with love to a certain degree.

The main things that make me happy about baking are
  1. eating mixture.  Now that I'm an adult, I can lick the spoon, beaters, and the bowl, and eat raw mixture with abandon!
  2. people eating the results and saying "Wow" or "This is so goooooood"
  3. having full baking tins so when I need a pick-me-up I have a sweet treat available.

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