About the name of the blog

Do we need forks? is a name that reflects my philosophy about technology - the first question we should ask is "Do I NEED this?" Will it make my life and meaningful occupations easier, or better in some way?
As a student (first time around), I remember reading a scene from a play set in the 1600s, where French nobles were wondering what to do with a fork. The social context meant that forks were unnecessary. In that time, people would
bring a knife, use a spoon for liquids, and hands for everything else. In a different social context where people are concerned about hygiene, a fork seems relevant. Or you could just wash your hands really well before each meal.
This philosophy about technology relates well to frameworks of occupational therapy. We look at the person - do they really need this technology? - the occupation - how meaningful is this occupation and do they need technology to make it easier to participate in? - and the environment, which includes social factors - is this technology going to fit with their environment?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm back! Participation in Occupation TWO

Just when I thought I would never have to blog again...I'm back!

The posts from now until the end of the year will be for the Participation in Occupation II paper - run by Mary Butler.

For this course, we will explore participation in occupation by analysing the value of meaningful activity and develop and test a framework to demonstrate the value of activity.  We will do this by taking part in an activity for two hours a week and analysing according to instructions from Mary.

The activity I will be taking part in falls under Mary's classification of 'Food' and will be baking.  I chose this because I already bake for two hours a week and love to make sweet treats for me, my family and friends.

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